Thursday, July 8, 2010

Intuition vs. Intent: Which One to Choose...

Hello Everyone, I'm Courtney, one of the guest bloggers for July! I'm so excited that Judith has allowed me to participate in this awesome endeavor. She and I met as writers attending a conference, but I think there was more going on by way of the universe... I got over my shyness, asked Judith for directions because hers was literally the only door open, and I have been glad ever since.

It's been said that a writer can tell more truth in fiction, than in non-fiction. I bring this up because I truly believe everything on earth (both the physical and the intangible) carries with it a vibration unique unto itself--and I make that 'outrageous' concept a reality in my fiction. When our emotions/intuition create the right vibrations, and align with our very personal intentions, there is not a more powerful manifesto to life.

The title of this blog has 'vs.' between Intuition and Intent, but in truth, I am one who thinks that in order to become what you were meant to become, what you desire to become, you have to pair the two ideas into a seamless concept--what makes you feel complete, and what will you do with that particular emotion once it is received. Once all that happens, intuition and intent turn into one word: purpose.

A couple years ago, I was single, living in San Antonio, had a salary, independence, etc. But I had little fulfillment, emotionally and intellectually. After two friends of mine died within three months of each other, I found the drive to find myself. Having to deal with loss, I was able to appreciate the valuable realization I made: that time-alive is more precious than any rare metal or diamond. I wanted to have joy and happiness in my life, and by focusing on what I wanted, I found my intent. My intuition aligns with it, too, because writing has always given me joy.

Once I accepted (emotionally) and received (intentionally) the revelation, my life changed and adapted to accommodate my joy. My purpose: to help people realize that they have control over their own happiness. Being angry and resentful and negative, is a choice. Even this blog is allowing me to express the absolute impact synchronicities have had and will keep having in my life and the rest of yours. Thank you for letting me share this with you!

1 comment:

Judith Ashley said...

Hi Courtney, I am able to now post a comment (before for some unknown reason I couldn't). I particually like how you put the concept of Intention and Emotion and come up with Purpose. When our Intention brings us joy, things flow. And, I'm glad that writing brings you certainly does for me.

Thanks again and let me know if you'd like to guest blog in the future.