As the title of this piece indicates I'm in a thoughtful frame of mind. What that means is I've reviewed and made some changes to my Intentions and sent them off to the two women I call my Intention Sisters. I deleted one, rewrote one, and added one.
What did I delete? One about learning new technology is easy, effortless, and fun. Not really...but, I am better at it; can figure problems out most of the time; don't get as stressed; know when to stop and take a break.
I rewrote one that listed a bunch of things I would/was doing to increase my visibility within the writing community. This is what it looks like now.
My visibility within the writing community positively affects my being a published author with strong book sales.
Circle of Serenity |
Reviewing my Intentions while in A Thoughtful Frame of Mind, I realized that my list included things over which I have no control. What is most important is that I am visible within the writing community. I'll be open to and actually look for Synchronicity to show me how to make this happen. What did I add?
Each day I remind myself that my
primary goal in life and the only real measure of my success is “above all
else---be happy”.
It is important to review my Intentions every once in awhile. To take stock of where I am on my Life's Journey at this stage of my life; to see which way will take me closer to where I want to be at every fork in the road.
What do you do to keep yourself moving forward in your life?