I also belong to three romance writer chapters. I attend monthly meetings of my home chapter and annual or bi-annual conferences of my two long distance chapters.
You might think that members of The William Glasser Institute and romance writers don't have much in common. On the surface that may be true.

The same is true when I walk into a gathering, meeting or conference of romance writers. We all have one thing in common. We write romance. Our romances can span time, be set in real and created places, be dark, be light, be funny, be serious, be in cities, be in small towns---you name it and a romance can be set there. But at the core, the story is about the relationship between the main characters - what challenges they face and how they overcome them.
My own stories are set in the fictional Fremont, Oregon based in part on Portland, Oregon. My heroines are seven women who join a sacred women's circle and create their own spiritual practices. They face everyday challenges: domestic violence, single parenting, career changes, abandonment, unwed mother, fighting physical illness, healing from the past, death of a spouse and other minor and not so minor challenges that are familiar to my readers.

Being a part of a group that accepts you as you are, supports you and your dreams and encourages you to move forward with your life is a gift. I'm fortunate to have two resources for that.
I'm currently in the final editing stages of Hunter, the fifth book in the series. Because of other commitments, it most likely won't be available until June 1st. Check out my website to learn more about The Sacred Women's Circle series.
I also have an author page at Windtree Press.
Where do you belong that you know you are accepted, supported and perhaps even loved and cherished?
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