Monday, August 27, 2018

I'm Aware of How Others See Me

Judith Ashley is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.
What we’ve covered:
Your Expectations of yourself are positive.
Your Motivation is internal.
Your Image of yourself is congruent with your expectations.
Your Direction has specificity.
Your Control takes the form of personal responsibility for your choices and actions.
Your Discipline includes internal perfect practice.
You Esteem yourself.
You Live a Win-Win Life
How often do we stop and reflect on how we are viewed by others?
My books on display
How often do we stop and consider what it would be like to be our spouse, our child, our employer, our employee? (And yes, we always have a reason behind what we choose to do).
How often do we stop and contemplate our impact on the world around us?
How often do we stop and ponder or mull over the image we project?
And why is it even important to do so?
Because to be successful in living our lives, unless we are a hermit, we live in the world. Being congruent from our image of ourselves doing our life’s work to seeing that that is what we are projecting into the world takes awareness.
If you are like me, there were times in your childhood and maybe even your early adulthood when you had an experience and said to yourself, “I’ll never do that.”
Today’s first self-awareness question.
What is it you do that someone else stops and says in response (although most likely not out loud and to our face) “I’ll never do that.” “I’ll never treat someone like that.” “I’ll never say anything like that.”
Silver reminds me of my road manners
Once we make the effort to see ourselves through someone else’s eyes we take control of our lives back. We can change how we project our image.
People who know me, know there are issues I’m passionate about. Someone who doesn’t know me may see me as angry when I’m engaged in a discussion on one of those topics. When I realized that people were seeing me as angry, I made some decisions as that’s not how I see myself.
Now I often preface a statement with “I’m really passionate about — and then go on to state my point of view.” I also will end with a bit of humor or insight such as “time to get off my soap box” or maybe “preaching to the choir here” or “sometimes my passion about (insert subject) takes on a life of its own.”
Without the awareness that some people saw me as an angry person, I’d never have made those changes.
Today’s second self-awareness question.
Looking back over your life, what changes have you made because you became aware of how others saw you? Or What changes might you make so people see you as you want to be seen?
And, if you are interested in learning a simple process to find solutions to issues that are interfering with the quality of your life, check out my latest non-fiction book Staying Sane in a Crazy World.
Do you ever feel as if the world around you is tumbling out of control and there is nothing you can do to make your world a better place?

Do you ever wish there was?

Staying Sane in a Crazy World may help guide you toward stopping the tumbling and choosing how to take effective control of your life.

The reality is there is no One answer that fits all but we each have Our answer.

In this short guide, Judith Ashley leads you through a straight-forward process that allows you to find Your answers. Answers you’ll use to craft a Personal Staying Sane Plan that will help you regain and keep your balance whenever the world around you is out-of-whack.

Staying Sane is now available at your favorite e-retailer.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2018 Judith Ashley

1 comment:

Maggie Lynch said...

This is a nice series, Judith. I hope you are getting a lot of readers if not a lot of commenters. For the most part, I agree with you around your approach to self-awareness and projecting your true self to the outside world.

Something I've been struggling with, now that I'm older, is the balance between being a person who strives to "gently" walk in the world and interact with the awareness of other's sensitivities versus the person inside me who, at least sometimes, just wants to burst into energetic expression--whether that is speaking passionately, dancing like no one is watching, or asking others to accept me as I am instead of me being the one to always bend to their perceptions. :)