Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Wise Woman - Crone

Intentions and Synchronicities are alive and well in my life.

My friend and editor, who lives in Arizona left this a.m. after spending a week with me. A few of those days were spent on the Oregon Coast and a few of them were spent at the Women of the 14th Moon Gathering.

The Women of the 14th Moon Gathering is a time and place to honor the three aspects of the feminine: Maiden, Matron, Crone. The Crone is the wise woman, the elder to whom the younger women turn for support, advice, counsel.

This year my Maiden granddaughter attended for the first time. This was the second Gathering for my Arizona friend, but her first as a Crone. In all there were nine Crones, women who had passed through menopause and were at a new stage in life. Crones are honored from setting up camp Friday until Sunday noon. Crones cut in line for the Port-O-Potty should the need arise as well as go first through the food lines. Younger hands reach out to carry a chair, help unload or load up the car.

Saturday evening the Crone's are given 'pride of place' in The Circle, special tea is brewed, their hands are massaged with lotion, and each Crone stands and speaks her truth, her message, something that she has learned from her life's journey. What makes this so magical is that the Maidens and Matrons listen. They listen to the message beneath the words as well as the words themselves.

It is a powerful to really be listened to, to be heard. It is affirming when someone comes up to tell you how your words spoke to her heart, how something you said will make her path in life a little easier.

Where are you heard? Who listens to your words and their meanings? If there was a message, something you've learned that you'd like to pass on to others, what would it be?


Sarah Raplee said...

My family and friends hear me. I reach out through my writing. I'd like to tell people laughter strengthens us.

Judith Ashley said...

I agree, Sarah. Laughter strengthens us and heals us.