Monday, January 19, 2015

Why Blog? By Judith Ashley

Surveys have shown that readers seldom purchase a book because of the author's blog - so, the question is "why do I write one?" Actually I regularly (once a week) post here and at Romancing The Genres (first Friday of each month).

Kristen Lamb, in a recent blog post (link below) talks about why, even if readers don't often buy from a blog, it is important to write one.

What I've found as I've tried various themes, topics, platforms over the past couple of years is that when I'm passionate about something, especially if I can't sleep, this is a good place to release that energy and get back to sleep or get back on track with whatever I'm working on.

I've also used this blog as a way to explain how integral my understanding of Dr. William Glasser's
work is to my writing life and my personal life.

And, I've shared personal and professional events here.

I'm at a place where my goal is to more firmly establish what I want to use the Judith Ashley blog "Intentions and Synchronicities" for.

Do I want to post more than once a week?

Do I want to change off with a different focus each Monday?

Do I want to remain as I am - eclectic?

While I continue to write the first draft of Hunter, the 5th book in The Sacred Women's Circle series, I'll most like continue as I am - whatever strikes my fancy will be up on Monday.

Please be sure and click on the link and read Kristen Lamb's post. It really is informative.

For more information on The Sacred Women's Circle, check out my website.

For a fun way to start your day, check out  Romancing The Genres and see what the Genre-istas and our RTG guests (January's guests are Debut Authors and February's are Scottish Romance Writers) are up to.

And, if you are looking for great reads, check out Windtree Press. We've over 100 titles available!


Sarah Raplee said...

Hi Judith,

Wow, you are doing well blogging that often. Me, not so much - but I'm thinking about it, LOL.

I would visit more often and comment if I could subscribe via email - have you thought of adding that widget?

Judith Ashley said...

Thanks, Sarah - I added the subscribe by email gadget. Yeah! I actually did that myself!