Judith is the author of
The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual
practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the journey from relationship to
Favorite pastimes include reading and writing. As
you know I’ve published all seven of the original Sacred Women’s Circle series.
I’ve written the prequels to a few of those books but still have a few to go.
There is something mystical and magical about sitting in front of my computer,
my hands on the keyboard, my fingers poised with my eyes on the screen waiting
for the words to appear. That is how those seven novels were written—at least
the first draft.
I’ve several friends who are plotters. They map out
the story at least in an outline format if not in great detail. All research is
done upfront. Before they take to the keyboard, they know where they are, where
they are going and how they are going to get there. And they write stories that are a joy to
As a more ‘organic’ author, I know where I’m
starting and I know where I’m ending. I may have (well, usually do) a clear
picture of one or maybe two scenes.
The rest of the canvas is blank.

However, once I start, the story just rolls forth. I have vivid dreams, hear voices in my head and then I sit at my computer and let the story unfold. I recall times when my eyebrows arched as words popped up on the screen almost unbidden. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve shuddered as my fingers tell the story that comes from an unconscious source.
The rest of the canvas is blank.

However, once I start, the story just rolls forth. I have vivid dreams, hear voices in my head and then I sit at my computer and let the story unfold. I recall times when my eyebrows arched as words popped up on the screen almost unbidden. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve shuddered as my fingers tell the story that comes from an unconscious source.
Since the beginning of the year I’ve been doing more
reading than usual (because I’m not writing stories right now). I’ve reread all
of Jo Beverley’s books. I’ve read all of Stephanie Lauren’s Bastion Club series and I’m working
through the Cynster novels.
At this stage in my own writing career, I see rereading these books as ‘homework’ or ‘educational’ because I remember the story line (for the most part). I’m seeing more how Beverley and Lauren set scenes, show emotions, use characters from previous books in the series in the current one. I’ve also read several Grace Burrows’s historical novels. And, of course, I've some favorite Nora Roberts novels. Some new, some for a second time. Check out my Romancing The Genre's post to learn about one of my favorite Jennifer Ashley stories.
No matter who's book I pick up, I always to learn more about the craft from authors whose work I enjoy.
At this stage in my own writing career, I see rereading these books as ‘homework’ or ‘educational’ because I remember the story line (for the most part). I’m seeing more how Beverley and Lauren set scenes, show emotions, use characters from previous books in the series in the current one. I’ve also read several Grace Burrows’s historical novels. And, of course, I've some favorite Nora Roberts novels. Some new, some for a second time. Check out my Romancing The Genre's post to learn about one of my favorite Jennifer Ashley stories.
No matter who's book I pick up, I always to learn more about the craft from authors whose work I enjoy.
The month of March was full of non-writing activities: taxes, organizing my intellectual
property, keeping up with family and friends and, when my energy slumped, reading.
Writing this post on March 28, I know April is just
around the corner. I’m looking forward to getting back to the writing!
What are some of your favorite pastimes?

Learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series on her website.
Follow Judith on Twitter: @JudithAshley19
Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.
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