Judith Ashley is the
author of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors
spiritual traditions that nurture the soul.
November is a
special month for many reasons. It’s my birthday month. It’s Thanksgiving’s
month. And now it is the month that starts a new season of my life.
A little
background is in order.
My granddaughter
and great granddaughter have lived with me this past year. Having them here was
a blessing in many ways but it also created challenges in keeping to my Writing
Goals. Having a little face light up when she toddled into my office in the
morning, wanting hugs, up and to share kisses? Well, sucker that I am, that
took precedence over whatever I was working on. And then there were the
emergency child care days when the regular people weren’t available. Of course
I said ‘yes’ and turned off the computer.
Ringing my gong almost a year ago |
Last Friday they
moved on to their new life and that meant I either went back to my old life
from before they arrived or I created a new life.
Since it’s my
birthday month, I decided a new life was what I wanted to create.
Rearranging the
furniture came first.
Well, not
exactly—first was the cleaning. No, actually first happened over the last two weeks they were here. I went
through every kitchen cupboard and shelf as well as the pantry shelves and
where I store other things. If I couldn’t remember when I last used it, I put
it out for her to take. Setting up a
household for the first time can be expensive! And since I was going to be a
household of one did I really need 8 spatulas?
When they pulled
out of the driveway, I rearrange the kitchen and cleaned the countertops.
Next came
changing the arrangement of my living room furniture.
Life is about
choices. And I firmly believe my Glasser tagline:
Your Choices Today Create
Your Tomorrow.
Since I want my “tomorrow”
to be filled with love and gratitude, I’m choosing to focus on what I want to
create or manifest in this new phase of my life.
What about you?
Have you a defining moment in your life when you’ve made major changes, even deciding
to take your life in a new direction?
Please share!
You can learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series
on my website.
Follow me on Twitter: @JudithAshley19