Judith Ashley is the
author of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors
spiritual traditions that nurture the soul.

Initially I was
euphoric because I had my house and life back. No one but me to be responsible
for or to.
I’d also written
the first two blog posts early in the month.
You’ll note that
the second post was 5 days late being published because I was gob-smacked by
the election results. Who knew?
My third post is
about catching up. I’d gotten a bit scattered in my thinking, something that
happens when I’ve overwhelmed.

I’m now ready to
choose an image that reflects the new me. You’ve three options to choose from.
Let me know in Comments which you like best.
All who comment will receive a
copy of Lily if they leave contact
You can learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series
on my
Check out my Windtree Press
author page.
Follow me on Twitter: @JudithAshley19
I’m also on Facebook
Happy birthday, Judith. I'm glad you've had a lovely time celebrating with friends.
I think all of the photos are lovely, but my favorite is the middle one with the light background. I love that it's light and bright, and that we can see your eyes.
Happy Birthday, Judith! They are all great pictures but I like the first one. That is the face that comes to mind when I think of you.
Hello Judith,
I was first drawn to the third photo because of the interesting lighting. I like the first one for regular promo and the third for when you want to appear magical and mysterious. :)
I'd love a copy of Lily. Thank you!
Happy November Birthday,Judith!
I really like the first photo because you look youthful, engaging, and happy. Your smile lights up the photo which has great lighting!
Thank you all for your input! I really appreciate it. I'm in the process of setting up the system whereby I can easily get Lily to you. Look for an email from me next week with a link that will take you to the Download (epub or mobi). Comments are coming in on FB also. Will wait a few days and then tally things up. Again, Thank You for helping me out on this.
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