Judith Ashley is the
author of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors
spiritual traditions that nurture the soul.
January 4th,
2016 I was optimistic about the year ahead. My first 4 posts were about “Peace”
because I was concerned about the increase in violence, wars, and hate rhetoric
to name a few. Who knew eleven months later I’d still have those concerns about
the world around me.
What is
true though is I can only control myself. I cannot make anyone else do anything
although I can attempt to persuade them to my point of view.
December, I’m revisiting those January posts with additional information/thoughts/comments
or not. Please join me in an on-going quest to find peace in our world.
year is here and All is right in my world.
Having the view that
our life is unfolding as it should is a double-edged sword.
When everything is
going well, it is easy to lay claim to what is happening.

Having had many
disruptions in 2015, I know how hard it is to stay focused on the positive.
However, those disruptions and the work I had to do to find and focus on what
was still working was well worth it because I’m stronger in my determination to
manifest my dreams into my reality in 2016. And
2016 also had an abundance of disruptions! That certainly hadn’t changed but for the
most part, I remained optimistic and steered my life back on course.
Every Monday in December I’ll be posting a blog on something
positive. You are invited to join me on a
quest to find ways to interact with each other
in such a way that our world and the world of others will be a better place.
Please accept my
invitation and join me!
Share what you do to
move from a negative mindset to a positive one.
Share what you see
going on in the world around you.
I also
post at Romancing The Genres on the First Friday of the month. You can read mylatest post here.
Learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series on my website.
Check out my Windtree Press
author page.
Follow me on Twitter: @JudithAshley19
I’m also on Facebook
Sign up for my Newsletter and receive an e-copy of Lily.
I pray and meditate to get into a more positive frame of mind. I also try to be of service to others and 'pay it forward.'
The hard truth is that we grow spiritually through adversity. That is why life is often challenging. I remind myself of this and try to discover what I am supposed to learn from the latest goings-on, and I trust that things will improve over time. During WWII, I'm sure people felt the world was going to hell and would never be 'right' again. But things progressed and life got better.
There are many less starving people today, more educated people, fewer people suffering through war, fewer people dying from disease. We'll always have troubles and problems to overcome, but as a race humanity is evolving. As individuals, it's up to us to grow spiritually and find inner peace.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sarah. I do believe we can grow spiritually without adversity. I got involved with my first sacred women's circle because I was curious. But, there have been times when my spiritual practice has dropped off. Adversity has, then, brought me back to my practice, usually added something to it, had me contemplating what the hiatus was all about so I could learn and grow from the experience.
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