As a small child I loved bling even though I
wasn’t (and am still not) into diamonds – well, maybe Herkimer Diamonds. (That’s
a fantasy of mine – travel to New York and a Herkimer Diamond mine where I’ll
dig for my very own diamond).

At one point I was going to take pictures of my favorites
but that became impossible as each crystal has memories and unique properties
that called to me in the beginning.
Here are more pictures of crystals that have captured my
imagination. Enjoy!
The women in The Sacred Women’s Circle all have crystals
of varying shapes and sizes. Whether they are featured or even mentioned in
every scene or not they are there. I can’t imagine living anywhere I can’t have
at least one of my crystals with me.
What items in your home or life bring you
peace and joy just by looking at them?

If you click on this link and leave your first name and
email address, I
will send you a Free Copy of Staying Sane
in a Crazy World as soon as it is ready for publication. It
isn’t a long book, under 10K words but it is chock full of information and
ideas about how you can create your own personal Staying Sane Plan.
What’s the catch? I’d appreciate your writing a review
and even telling your friends about them but other than that, no catch. Be sure to mention in your review that you
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Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19
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© 2018 Judith Ashley