A core theme in my stories is
When in Doubt, Choose Love and Light
I love writing stories where the characters find their
way past challenges of their own making as well as those that pop up in their
path. At some point both the hero and the heroine must make a choice and both
have risks and possible heart-ache.
But as much as I love writing romance stories I also love
teaching people about Dr. William Glasser's Choice Theory and how to use it and the concepts inReality Therapy to create the life they want for themselves.

Every Monday during the month of February I’ll be sharing something I love about my life. In case you haven't figured it out, I love to write and teach!
What do I love about writing?
A large segment of the population who sees me for the
first time sees me as “old” and while I don’t feel particularly older than say
35 – 40, the calendar would add several decades to those numbers. What that
means is I’ve lived a rich and varied life. I’ve experienced tragedy and born
witness to man’s inhumanity to man in my decades in social service work.
Because of my own experiences and my witnessing of others,
I’ve a treasure trove of information I can share through my stories. It is my time to speak up, speak out and through my books
share the lessons I’ve personally learned as well as the one’s I’ve seen other
people learn.
Here are two opportunities for you to experience what I mean when I write about sharing life lessons through my writing.

Go to JudithAshleyRomance.com and sign up for my occasional newsletter“Connections.”
Follow the prompts to download your own digital copy of the first book in The Sacred Women’s Circle series.
And if you want to check out my non-fiction? Click on this link and leave your first name and
email address, I
will send you a Free Copy of Staying Sane
in a Crazy World as soon as it is ready for publication. It
isn’t a long book, under 10K words but it is chock full of information and
ideas about how you can create your own personal Staying Sane Plan.
What’s the catch? I’d appreciate your writing a review
and even telling your friends about it but other than that, no catch.
Here’s the link again.
While you will be signing up twice, you will not get duplicate emails from me because I use ConvertKit. But be sure to use the same email address.
Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19
You can also find Judith on FB!
© 2018 Judith Ashley
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