Monday, January 29, 2018

Imbolc/Brigid - The Wheel Turns Again

Judith Ashley is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.
February 1st we’ll have reached the half-way point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox also known as Yule and Ostara. As you will recall, Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. At the Spring Equinox day and night are equal. Imbolc is the celebration of light as the shift from the darkest night toward the balance between dark and light is clear.

This year the heavens are helping in the celebration of Imbolc. Not only do we have a Full Moon on January 31. And since our moon is closer to earth than usual it will appear brighter to us who have clear skies and can view it. In addition, this Full Moon is the second Full Moon this month so it is called a Blue Moon.

For those of you with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) you may find your symptoms decreasing as the hours of daylight increase. If you follow the seasons instead of The Wheel of the Year, you know that winter is coming to an end.

Right now when I look into my yard I see the signs of spring. Winter flowers in bloom, plants poking their green leaves above ground (of course those are mainly the weeds) and here in the Pacific Northwest our couple of weeks of warm weather (it is 61 degrees out as I write this) before Winter blows back in to remind us we’ve a few more weeks to go before Spring.

One of the things I love about the stories I write is that they do follow the seasons, the turn of the wheel. Each of the women in The Sacred Women’s Circle series marries on a Sabbat. Imbolc? That’s Gabriella’s special day.

If you’d like to know more about Imbolc, check out and consider joining her and others from around the world in celebrating the light.

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Learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

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© 2018 Judith Ashley

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