Monday, June 18, 2018

My Fantasy Day

Time out is time off
Judith Ashley is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.
My Fantasy Day:
Starts with no alarm. I wake naturally after a comfortable and restful sleep.
My first cup of tea awaits. Perfect temperature and strength.
Am I dressed yet? Hmmm. That depends. Or Maybe, maybe not. When I do dress, my clothes fit well and are comfortable and attractive.
First thing? I write out at least 10 things for which I’m grateful.

June 2018 Gratitudes and Blessings


My house is clean, organized. Food is healthy, prepared and ready for me to dish up or maybe heat up in the microwave if it is better hot.
My houseplants are healthy, green and vibrant with life. The ones that flower do so with abandon.
Clematis: A Favorite Flowers
Easily Grows Inside
Want to stretch my legs? The weather is just perfect for a quick walk through the neighborhood. I see some of my dog-owning neighbors out for a walk so I get my “doggie fix” on my way home.
Television? Inspiring, uplifting, funny with a touch of educational content is readily available on the channels I watch.

Commercials? Yes, in my fantasy day, I see a few commercials, but they are fun, uplifting, creative and add entertainment to my day.

Reading? Choices, choices, choices abound. Just the right blend of humor, heat and history or maybe the story is contemporary, thoughtful and I learn something about people or myself through the skilled portrayal of characters.
Did I mention there are never dirty dishes or pots and pans for me to wash? Nor do I have to load or unload the dishwasher or do laundry. 
Okay, I do get up and fix something cold to drink after I’ve had my tea.
I’ve time to write, walk, talk with friends and enjoy my space both inside and out. My home is my haven, my cocoon where I dream about people who metamorphose into my characters.
At the end of the day before snuggling down to sleep, I hold my Gratitude Rock and recount all that I’m grateful for, everyone and everything that graced my day.
How would your Fantasy Day start and end?

If you are interested in reading Lily: The Dragon and The Great Horned Owl, email me at with your request. I’ll send you a link to download your digital copy. You will be asked to sign-up for my mailing list and to write a review but that is a choice. The free digital copy comes to you with no strings attached.
Although my first love is writing Contemporary Romance or Romantic Women’s Fiction, I’ve also ventured into writing non-fiction. My first book, Staying Sane in a Crazy World is available at your favorite e-retailer. 
Do you ever feel as if the world around you is tumbling out of control and there is nothing you can do to make your world a better place?

Do you ever wish there was?

Staying Sane in a Crazy World may help guide you toward stopping the tumbling and choosing how to take effective control of your life.

The reality is there is no One answer that fits all but we each have Our answer.

In this short guide, Judith Ashley leads you through a straight-forward process that allows you to find Your answers. Answers you’ll use to craft a Personal Staying Sane Plan that will help you regain and keep your balance whenever the world around you is out-of-whack.

Learn more about Judith's The Sacred Women’s Circle series at

Follow Judith on Twitter: JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB! 

© 2018 Judith Ashley


Sarah Raplee said...

My perfect day is to wake up feeling excited and energized about the coming day.To feed my kitty and say a prayer of thanks. To chat online with my sister or my friend and write for an hour or two. To play with our dogs. To work on a project with my husband and make progress. To pause for an afternoon prayer that reminds me of my purpose in life. To get a few chores done. To swim laps at the city pool or take the dogs for a walk in the woods. To water the flowers and enjoy their beauty. To pause frequently throughout the day and breathe deeply, ground myself in my surroundings and relax any tension in my body. To find a way to be of service to others. To give long hugs and be grateful for the good things in my life. To relax watching a fun tv show or reading in the evening. To pray, practice gratitude, and fall into a peaceful sleep.
Thank you for reminding me how much the kind of day I have is up to me!

Judith Ashley said...

I love your perfect day, Sarah. And, I think you are closer to living that perfect day now than you may have been in the past. Good for you!