Monday, January 19, 2015

Why Blog? By Judith Ashley

Surveys have shown that readers seldom purchase a book because of the author's blog - so, the question is "why do I write one?" Actually I regularly (once a week) post here and at Romancing The Genres (first Friday of each month).

Kristen Lamb, in a recent blog post (link below) talks about why, even if readers don't often buy from a blog, it is important to write one.

What I've found as I've tried various themes, topics, platforms over the past couple of years is that when I'm passionate about something, especially if I can't sleep, this is a good place to release that energy and get back to sleep or get back on track with whatever I'm working on.

I've also used this blog as a way to explain how integral my understanding of Dr. William Glasser's
work is to my writing life and my personal life.

And, I've shared personal and professional events here.

I'm at a place where my goal is to more firmly establish what I want to use the Judith Ashley blog "Intentions and Synchronicities" for.

Do I want to post more than once a week?

Do I want to change off with a different focus each Monday?

Do I want to remain as I am - eclectic?

While I continue to write the first draft of Hunter, the 5th book in The Sacred Women's Circle series, I'll most like continue as I am - whatever strikes my fancy will be up on Monday.

Please be sure and click on the link and read Kristen Lamb's post. It really is informative.

For more information on The Sacred Women's Circle, check out my website.

For a fun way to start your day, check out  Romancing The Genres and see what the Genre-istas and our RTG guests (January's guests are Debut Authors and February's are Scottish Romance Writers) are up to.

And, if you are looking for great reads, check out Windtree Press. We've over 100 titles available!

Monday, January 12, 2015

What else can I call Frustration?

Welcome! I'm Judith Ashley author of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices and celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.

In my belief system, the feeling of frustration is a negative and therefore, does not help me maintain a positive outlook on life or keep me energized in a good way.

While I've completed 75 - 80% of what I wanted to do today, I find myself stymied by my old nemesis---technology.

Yes, indie-publishing has many learning curves and while I have learned them, I have three novels and an anthology out there, the challenge is I haven't used these new skills since last March! So they are pretty much lost.

This afternoon (I'm writing this Sunday for Monday readers), it took me about ten minutes to figure out how to get into Amazon's Createspace publishing program! I kept ending up on Amazon with all the "buy this" and "buy that" - not where I wanted to be at all.

I e-published Ashley, the fourth story in The Sacred Women's Circle series, on December 24, 2014 and I'm now ready to put the print book out there BUT

Recounting the barriers here is not helpful so suffice it to say, I'm taking a step back. Hard boiling some eggs (a great snack/meal if I'm in a hurry or just too busy to fix anything), and calling it a day.

One thing I've learned is that the closer together I publish my stories, the easier this process will be. Why? Because I'll still remember how to do it. After ten months, it's almost like learning it from the beginning - not quite, but close. Can't believe it took me so long to figure out how to get into  

Also I've had re-enforced there are times when postponing things to another time works better for me than plowing through.

I'm always looking for new ideas on how to keep on the positive track.

Would love to know what you do when frustration looms? Do you push through? Do you step back?

You can learn more about The Sacred Women's Circle series here.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Gifts from the Heart

Welcome, I'm Judith Ashley, author of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the path from relationship to romance.

Welcome again to 2015! What's special about this first Monday of the new year?

The Windtree Press Valentine Anthology "Gifts from the Heart" is available. Here's the back cover copy.

Gifts from the Heart Cover
Rediscover the magic and romance of Valentine’s Day with these nine stories of Gifts From The Heart. Stories of best friends, lost chances, first love, love renewed, and new love will bring a tear to your eye and a little skip in the beat of your heart.

Read about a wounded warrior saved by a ring. Empathize with two different widows as they strive to overcome their past and open their hearts to trust again. Follow a survivor of the Titanic as she boards another ship and her past and future collide.

Shiver with the cautionary tale of the prison of love in the legend of Ann’er from the dark world of Thorn. Laugh at the humorous escapades of a young woman led to find love through the questionable assistance of her cat. Then finish this volume by relaxing in the fairy-tale world of a little dog who helps a sad and lonely princess learn to accept the unconditional love of pets.

“The Telltale Heart” by Sarah Raplee
“Is He the One?” by Judith Ashley
“Saved by the Ring” by Diana McCollum
“Be My Valentine” by Susan Lute
“Dancing on the Water” by Mercer Addison
“Heart of a Highlander” by Collette Cameron

“The Flaming Heart of Winter” by Pamela Cowan
“Matchmaker Cat” by Jane Killick
“Metro Goes to London” by Susie Slanina

My role in this anthology was expanded because, along with Sarah Raplee and Diana McCollum, I was one of the editors. In that role, I've had the pleasure of reading each of these stories. My favorite? For various reasons, each story touched my heart.

Here is the Table of Contents copy about my story:

Is He the One? by Judith Ashley

When her best friend and long-time lover proposes, Sophia hesitates to say “yes.” Unable to trust her heart, Sophia analyzes their relationship using Dr. William Glasser’s concept of basic psychological needs. By morning she has her answer.

The beautiful cover is by Christy Carlyle of Gilded Heart Design.

Please consider adding Gifts from the Heart to your New Year's book purchase! It is available at Windtree Press and other major e-retailers.

Visit my website for more information about The Sacred Women's Circle series.
Click here to watch my YouTube podcast.