Monday, July 3, 2017

Another Lesson and Oxygen Masks

Judith is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.

Last month I talked about Lessons Learned On Many Levels during my trip to Arizona in May. In some ways the reminders or lessons I’m sharing with you today and next week are even more important than the effort it has taken to untangled my friend's affairs.
What could be more important than that?
Some of you, when you see my focus shift to be entirely on me, may think I’m being selfish or unkind or any number of negative traits.
But bear with me and see if you can look at this shift from a positive perspective.
If you’ve ever flown, when the flight attendants are doing the safety talk, they always say the adult should put on their oxygen mask first before helping their child or another. Why?
Because if we don’t take care of our self, we cannot take care of others. At some point, no matter how selfless we are, if we neglect our own well-being, we will not be able to help others.
Of course there are those short-term situations where we put 100% of ourselves into the fray, but what if that ‘short-term’ situation turns out to be long term?
What if there is no end in sight?
What if the demands grow instead of lessen?
At what point do we stop and assess what is going on and what our role is?
Where we can get help and support?
The end of October 2016, I started living by myself in my own house. Until that point I had lived at home, in a college dorm, with my husband, with my child, with my grandchildren or my house was full of their stuff.
At the end of over seven decades of having someone living with me or taking care of their pet, storing their belongings and even keeping their room ready (when my child went to college), I was alone with only my things in the house.
In the early years of this century, even with, what at times seemed like a cast of thousands in my house and/or vying for my time and attention, I kept writing Lily the first book in The Sacred Women’s Circle series. Certainly not every day nor even every week, but I plugged away.
Now all seven books are published in both ebooks and print. Since the spring of 2014, I’ve written and published the last four books (Ashley, Hunter, Gabriella and Sophia). That’s over 700,000 words! (Yes, I write long but these women have amazing stories to tell).
After accomplishing so much, why do I need to take time for myself?
Because there are more stories I feel compelled to tell!
In addition, while I’ve written and published these books, I’ve not put time, effort and energy into marketing and promotion i.e. letting people know about my books.
That’s changing!
I can put on my own oxygen mask (write and promote my books) before helping my friend with his oxygen mask (unraveling financial affairs, legal issues and continuing to monitor his health and well-being).
Stay tuned as I figure out how to find balance so that my oxygen mask supports my writing and letting the world know about my books and my friend’s oxygen mask stays in place.

Learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series on my website.

 Follow Judith on Twitter: @JudithAshley19

Check out Judith’s Windtree Press author page.

You can also find Judith on FB!

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