Judith is the author of The Sacred Women’s Circle series,
romantic fiction that honors spiritual practices that nourish the soul and
celebrates the journey from relationship to romance.
journey includes figuring out how to talk to people about my books. The Sacred
Women’s Circle series has a strong spiritual element to each of the books and
the heat level (sensual, sexual scenes) varies dramatically.
to that I was raised with the admonishment that talking about one’s self isn’t
attractive, tooting your own horn is vulgar, etc.
and pricing? That has been a gigantic hurdle to overcome.
I’ve been working on these cultural barriers.
at the Desert Dreams Writers’ Conference I figured out how to talk about my
books in a different way.
preparing for the day long “Readers’ Experience” I worked with Paul Iarrobino at True Path Consulting NW.
After brainstorming ideas and some time to reflect, I decided on the following
would it be like to be in a place where you were unconditionally accepted,
unconditionally supported and unconditionally loved?
a minute and seriously consider this question.
I asked this question of readers at the Reader Experience Event, I watched as
they went within, their eyes drifted closed, their gaze became unfocused, some
even sighed. What did they say?
a combination of the two.
by the reality that none of the people said “Oh, I have that XXX,” I initially
was shocked.
different would our lives be if we had that place of safety? That haven where
we are unconditionally accepted, supported and loved. I will admit it is not in
my life 24/7 but I have been places and experienced the profound sense of love
and safety that comes from being in a sacred space.
reflection I also realized another truth.
are sacred women’s circles and there are women’s circles. In both women come
together and engage in spiritual practices.
the difference?

you start with Lily:
The Dragon and The Great Horned Owl and
read each book, when you finish the series you’ll have the framework for
creating your own sacred women’s circle. You’ll have prayers, ideas for altars,
information about the Eight Sabbats or pagan high holy days. You’ll see how
having a strong spiritual practice and a sacred women’s circle supports each of
these women as they face the real life challenges that are part and parcel of
our daily lives.
love to hear your comments about unconditional acceptance, support and love.
Please share where, if any, you have these places in your life. And, equally
important, if you don’t, what would your life be like if you did?
Check back next week to learn more about the women in The Circle.
Follow Judith on Twitter:
Check out Judith’s Windtree Press
author page.
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