Judith Ashley is the author of The Sacred Women's Circle series, romantic fiction that honors spiritual traditions that nurture the soul.
However, when it comes to writing blog posts, my
process is somewhat different. I don’t turn into a plotter with outlines,
charts, and character studies but I do have more than a general idea of what I
want to talk about.
For example: I did a series on Relationships and
another on Making Your World A Better Place. Most recently I wrote four
posts on Peace. You can read these posts by scrolling down or using the Archive feature on the right.
This month I’ve started talking about aspects of being a
writer. At Romancing The Genres, I’ve a post on my book covers.
I’ve a post here also about the covers.

Originally I thought the apples would be on the cover
of Sophia but after seeing a draft I
knew they didn’t work. You’ll see the final Sophia
cover in a couple of weeks!
The spruce cone is from a tree in the yard of my
long-time friend, Judith, who lives in Ohio. When I visited her in 2015, I had
finished Hunter. Since sacred
geometry plays a role in Gabriella it
was important to me to have a visual that spoke to me. As soon as I saw the
cone, I knew I had to bring it home with me.

I’ll share a funny story about blue jays on Wednesday
that will give you a clue as to their personality.
You can learn more about The Sacred Women’s Circle series on my website.
Check out my Windtree Press author page.
Follow me on Twitter: @JudithAshley19
I’m also on Facebook
© 2016 Judith Ashley
Blue Birds seem more graceful and gentle than Blue Jays. The Bluebird has an air of sweetness and gentility. The Blue Jay is boisterous, clever, and persistent. Among other traits!
Very true, Sarah - blue jays are more boisterous, clever and persistent than blue birds. I had fun adding captions to the blue jay pictures on Wednesday's post.
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