Judith Ashley is the author of The Sacred Women's Circle series,
romantic fiction that honors spiritual traditions that nurture the soul.
I’m writing this post
two weeks before you’ll read it. It will be published on October 31, 2016.
Some of you will be celebrating
Some of you will be celebrating All Hallows
still others of you will be celebrating Samhain (SawWen).
I will be spending time
alone in the dark as the Wheel of the Year turns. Why “in the dark”? Because I
will not have my porch light on or welcome trick or treaters. I stopped doing
that several years ago when I was paying for my granddaughter’s dental work. Why am I giving out candy? What can I do
What I came up with was
handing out money. For me, that meant pennies. (I live in a destination neighborhood
where parents bring their children). The little ones (pre-school or maybe
first/second grade were delighted. The older ones (middle school and high
school, not so much). That’s when I decided to go dark.
In my
Sacred Women’s Circle Series, I write about the eight Sabbats (or sacred days)
in the pagan Wheel of the Year. For many believers of earth based spirituality,
Samhain is the beginning of the new year. I’m one who celebrates Winter Solstice or Yule
as the beginning of the Turn of the Wheel.
But I digress to some

If you don’t have an
outside view as I do, consider hanging pictures of places that draw you in.
Places you’ve been or always wanted to travel to. I did that when I worked in a
job where my space was a cubicle. By surrounding myself with pictures and
stones that had meaning to me, I created a sacred space that did not offend
anyone around me.
what you might add to your work space, your writing space, your living space if
you wanted to amplify loving, positive, creative energy. There is no right or
wrong answer as Elizabeth explains to young women she meets while in Ireland.
It really is all about what looks and feels right (physically and emotionally) to
Check out my Windtree Press
author page.
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© 2016 Judith Ashley
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